AfghanMusik - the sound of afghanistan!: Najim Nawabi
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Andromeda: Najim Nawabi
8 files
Concert - Cali
6 files
Duet with Shabnum Suraya
2 files
Gulb Aste
10 files
12 files
Live Concert - Shahre Ghareban
7 files
Live in Kabul
10 files
Majlesi - Hanoz Bar Lab-e Mann
11 files
Maza Meta
11 files
9 files
New Majlesi Songs
1 file
New Singles
5 files
Saiyl-e Ashk
10 files
Sawdaye Chashem
10 files
10 files
Shab-e Ghazal
10 files
Single Releases 2023
13 files
1.Najim Nawabi - Saaqi (pashto)
4.1 MB MP3
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