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AfghanMusik - the sound of afghanistan!: Concert Holland
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Musik Main / Farhad Darya /
Andromeda: Concert Holland
1.7 MB WMA
text 1 folder name
2.Laila Lakhta Da (attan)
3.Tu Rafte Doreyat
3.7 MB WMA
4.Wo Musapera
3.93 MB WMA
5.Old Man Joke
1.75 MB WMA
6.Gulom Gulom
2.55 MB WMA
4.93 MB WMA
8.Pa Paizeebona
1.31 MB WMA
3.77 MB WMA
10.Afghan in UAE Joke
1.34 MB WMA
11.Sanama Shakhi Nabati - Yak Dana Gul Du Dana
3.34 MB WMA
12.Deda Janum Deda - Jora Nadari Jora Jan
6.2 MB WMA
13.Laila Saba Nawrooz Ast
1.74 MB WMA
14.Sta De Stergo Bala Wakhlom
4.63 MB WMA
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